Why plant-based?
Plant-based. It seems to be the talk of the town these days. It’s constantly appearing in the media. Every week there is a new plant-based product in the grocery store. Celebs and influencers can’t stop raving about it. But why is plant-based eating creating such a buzz?
Plant-based eating is growing because of its multiple benefits – to our health, to the environment and animal welfare, to our wallets. It’s an individual decision that has positive impacts which extend far and wide beyond us as individuals. A contribution to the collective good.
Maybe you’ve heard the hype and still aren’t sure. Believe us, there is a boatload of scientific evidence to back up it’s benefits. And if you need more than our word, just spend 30 minutes on Google and you’ll see for yourself.
You don’t need to go fully vegan to reap the benefits of plant-based eating. Eating plant-based for half, or even just a quarter, of your weekly meals will make a substantial difference.
The instant reward is that you will just start feeling better – both physically and mentally. What is a better indicator that you are doing the right thing than that? Secondly, you’ll start noticing how much money you are saving everytime you go to the grocery store. The third, and maybe most rewarding benefit, is that you are now part of a community that is committed to creating a better future – for this and coming generations.
Plant-based eating is here to stay. The only question is when will you start your plant-based journey.